Advertiser / Merchant


The API follows REST conventions. Perform an HTTPS GET to the URL with the format in which you’d like to receive data. The following response formats are supported, where 33 is the advertiser id.

Format Description and URL
csv Comma-Separated Values, or really Anything-Separated Values (see column_separator= below). Returns an optional header row followed by one row for each transaction, with delimited values for each row.
xml Returns an XML document with an array of Transaction elements.
json Returns a JSON array of transaction objects.


The API uses OAuth Authentication to authenticate that access is allowed. Pass the OAuth Token like any other query parameter, however, please note that the OAuth token is a required parameter. OAuth Tokens may be generated from the Manage API Credentials page.

Query Parameters

The API takes the following optional query parameters:

Parameter Description
from= Starting date in user’s time zone, in format YYYY-MM-DD. Example: 2011-06-01. Inclusive.
to= Ending date in user’s time zone, in format YYYY-MM-DD. Example: 2011-06-07. Inclusive.
limit= Max number of transactions to return at a time. Defaults to 1000. Limited to at most 4000.
start_after_transaction_id= Transaction_id to start retrieving after. This should be the last value retrieved previously. Default (or empty string) means start at the oldest.
include_columns= comma-separated list of field names to be returned in the response for each transaction (if not specified, all available fields for the account will be returned, minus any columns in exclude_columns)
exclude_columns= comma-separated list of field names to be excluded in the response for each transaction
column_separator= [.csv format only] Separator between columns. Default is , for comma-separated values. (Can be set to any other separator like | for pipe-separated values or %09 for tab-separated values.)
row_separator= [.csv format only] Separator between lines. Defaults to %0A for n (line feed). Use %0D%0A for rn (carriage return + line feed).
include_header= [.csv format only] 1 to include a header row; 0 to omit the header row. Default is 1.
force_quotes= [.csv format only] 1 to quote all CSV fields; 0 to only quote fields that contain separators. Default is 0.
transaction_type= Filters for the type of transaction. Valid inputs are Call, PostCallEvent, Sale, or Signal. Sale maps to the Reported Conversion type.

In order to ensure that all transactions are returned when using the from= and to= date query parameters, you should store the last transaction id you have downloaded and pass it as the start_after_transaction_id to the next request. Typical usage on the polling interval is to repeatedly call the API until no rows are returned, meaning you have downloaded all transactions. Please note, the “to” and “from” date range parameters are both necessary, providing only one or the other will not filter the results.

We provide two helpful constants that can be used in the include_columns and exclude_columns options:

$invoca_custom_columns a dynamic constant that represents the current list of your Custom Data Fields. Note: If the list of custom columns changes, those changes will be included in future API calls that use “include_columns=$invoca_custom_columns”, independent of the API version.

$invoca_default_columns represents the default set of columns provided by the Transactions API for your requested version


The data returned has the following fields:

Field Name in Reports Description
advertiser_campaign_id Advertiser Campaign ID (Invoca ID) The Invoca identifier of the campaign.
advertiser_campaign_id_from_network Advertiser Campaign ID The Campaign ID from the network as set on the advertiser campaign.
advertiser_campaign_name Advertiser Campaign Name of the campaign.
advertiser_payin_localized Earned Amount paid in by advertiser
advertiser_promo_line_description Promo Number Description Additional details about the transaction source
affiliate_call_volume_ranking Affiliate Volume Ranking Network ranking of affiliate’s call volume (0 to 5, and -1 being ‘new’). Blank if no affiliate.
affiliate_commissions_ranking Affiliate Commissions Ranking Network ranking of affiliate’s commissions (0 to 5, and -1 being ‘new’). Blank if no affiliate.
affiliate_conversion_rate_ranking Affiliate Conversion Rate Ranking Network ranking of affiliate’s conversion rate (0 to 5, and -1 being ‘new’). Blank if no affiliate.
affiliate_id Affiliate ID (Invoca ID) The Invoca identifier of the affiliate
affiliate_id_from_network Affiliate ID Affiliate ID from the network as set on the Invoca affiliate.
affiliate_name Affiliate Name of the affiliate
call_result_description_detail_managed_advertiser Call Result Status of the transaction
call_source_description Source Source of the transaction
calling_phone_number Caller ID Caller ID. Formatted as 12 characters like 866-555-1234
city City City where transaction originated
complete_call_id Call Record ID Globally unique identifier for the call this transaction is part of. Up-to 32 character string, can contain alphanumeric characters (i.e. 0-9A-Z) and the -.
connect_duration Connected Duration Duration in seconds that the call that was connected to the call center.
corrected_at Corrected At [Correction only] Date and time the transaction was corrected, in user’s time zone, followed by offset from GMT.
corrects_transaction_id Corrects Call [Correction only] Id of the original transaction that this transaction updates. Values in this row are the corrected ones and should replace the original values. Same format as transaction_id. Up-to 32 character string, can contain alphanumeric characters (i.e. 0-9A-Z) and the -.
destination_phone_number Destination Phone Number The phone number where the call was transferred to (useful if an IVR transfers to multiple destinations). Up-to 20 character string, can contain numeric characters (i.e. 0-9) and the following additional characters: ‘-‘, ‘#’, ‘*’, ‘x’, and ‘,’. ‘
duration Total Duration Duration of the call in seconds. Includes any time spent in an IVR tree before transferring to the call center.
ivr_duration IVR Duration Duration in seconds that the call spent in the IVR tree.
keypress_1 Key 1 Name of the first key that was pressed
keypress_2 Key 2 Name of the second key that was pressed
keypress_3 Key 3 Name of the third key that was pressed
keypress_4 Key 4 Name of the fourth key that was pressed
keypresses Keypresses List of unique keynames that were pressed during the call
matching_advertiser_payin_policies Matching Advertiser Payin Policies List of advertiser policies that matched (base, bonus1, bonus2, etc.) to determine the advertiser payin, separated by +. For example, base+bonus1+bonus3. Note that if there was any advertiser payin, this field guaranteed to start with base.
media_type Media Type Media type of the transaction source
mobile Phone Type Landline or Mobile or empty string if type is unknown
notes Notes Free-form notations on transaction
opt_in_SMS Opt In Sms Whether the caller opted in to receive an SMS promotion.
original_order_id Order ID [Sales reporting only] Id of the original transaction that this row is in reference to. Up-to 32 character string, can contain alphanumeric characters (i.e. 0-9A-Z) and the -.
payin_conditions Payin Conditions Base condition with highlighting around the term(s) that disqualified advertiser payin. For example: duration > 1 min and in_region
qualified_regions Qualified Regions The list of regions that that the caller matched
recording Recording URL to the call recording, if available
region Region Region (state, province or country) where transaction originated
repeat_calling_phone_number Repeat Caller Whether the call was a repeat call. Repeat call detection is not applied to shared or unavailable caller ids.
start_time_local Call Start Time Start of the call in the API user’s time zone, followed by offset from GMT.
start_time_utc Call Start Time (UTC timestamp) Start of the call in milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970. Divide by 1000 to get Unix epoch time.
start_time_xml Call Start Time (XML formatted) Start of the call in Soap XML formatted time.
start_time_network_timezone Call Start Time Network Timezone Start of the call in the networks’s time zone, followed by offset from GMT.
start_time_network_timezone_xml Call Start Time Network Timezone (XML formatted) Start of the call in the network’s time zone in Soap XML formatted time.
syndicated_ident Syndicated ID The syndicated id for this call. Uniquely identifies syndication sources for a campaign.
transaction_id Transaction ID Globally unique identifier for this transaction. Up-to 32 character string, can contain alphanumeric characters (i.e. 0-9A-Z) and the -. This is the Primary Key of the results.
transaction_type Type The type of transaction - Call, Post Call Event, Reported Conversion, or Signal.
transfer_from_type Transfer Type Where the call came from
verified_zip Verified Zip Code Zip Code entered by callers when prompted during call treatment
virtual_line_id Promo Number ID The Promo Number ID from the network

Optional Parameters

The following fields are optional based on your account type:

RingPool Parameters

Field Name in Reports Description
dynamic_number_pool_id Pool ID The ID of the pool.
dynamic_number_pool_pool_type Pool Type The type of pool: Search, SearchKeyword or Custom
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param1_name Pool Param 1 Name The name for parameter 1
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param1_value Pool Param 1 Value The value for parameter 1
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param2_name Pool Param 2 Name The name for parameter 2
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param2_value Pool Param 2 Value The value for parameter 2
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param3_name Pool Param 3 Name The name for parameter 3
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param3_value Pool Param 3 Value The value for parameter 3
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param4_name Pool Param 4 Name The name for parameter 4
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param4_value Pool Param 4 Value The value for parameter 4
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param5_name Pool Param 5 Name The name for parameter 5
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param5_value Pool Param 5 Value The value for parameter 5
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param6_name Pool Param 6 Name The name for parameter 6
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param6_value Pool Param 6 Value The value for parameter 6
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param7_name Pool Param 7 Name The name for parameter 7
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param7_value Pool Param 7 Value The value for parameter 7
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param8_name Pool Param 8 Name The name for parameter 8
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param8_value Pool Param 8 Value The value for parameter 8
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param9_name Pool Param 9 Name The name for parameter 9
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param9_value Pool Param 9 Value The value for parameter 9
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param10_name Pool Param 10 Name The name for parameter 10
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param10_value Pool Param 10 Value The value for parameter 10
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param11_name Pool Param 11 Name The name for parameter 11
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param11_value Pool Param 11 Value The value for parameter 11
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param12_name Pool Param 12 Name The name for parameter 12
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param12_value Pool Param 12 Value The value for parameter 12
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param13_name Pool Param 13 Name The name for parameter 13
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param13_value Pool Param 13 Value The value for parameter 13
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param14_name Pool Param 14 Name The name for parameter 14
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param14_value Pool Param 14 Value The value for parameter 14
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param15_name Pool Param 15 Name The name for parameter 15
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param15_value Pool Param 15 Value The value for parameter 15
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param16_name Pool Param 16 Name The name for parameter 16
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param16_value Pool Param 16 Value The value for parameter 16
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param17_name Pool Param 17 Name The name for parameter 17
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param17_value Pool Param 17 Value The value for parameter 17
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param18_name Pool Param 18 Name The name for parameter 18
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param18_value Pool Param 18 Value The value for parameter 18
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param19_name Pool Param 19 Name The name for parameter 19
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param19_value Pool Param 19 Value The value for parameter 19
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param20_name Pool Param 20 Name The name for parameter 20
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param20_value Pool Param 20 Value The value for parameter 20
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param21_name Pool Param 21 Name The name for parameter 21
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param21_value Pool Param 21 Value The value for parameter 21
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param22_name Pool Param 22 Name The name for parameter 22
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param22_value Pool Param 22 Value The value for parameter 22
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param23_name Pool Param 23 Name The name for parameter 23
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param23_value Pool Param 23 Value The value for parameter 23
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param24_name Pool Param 24 Name The name for parameter 24
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param24_value Pool Param 24 Value The value for parameter 24
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param25_name Pool Param 25 Name The name for parameter 25
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_param25_value Pool Param 25 Value The value for parameter 25
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_search_engine Traffic Source Search engine used.
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_search_keywords Keywords Search keywords used
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_search_type Search Type Paid or Organic.

AdWords Parameters

Field Name in Reports Description
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_ad AdWords Ad AdWords Ad Headline copy, provided by Google
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_ad_group AdWords Ad Group AdWords Ad Group name, provided by Google
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_ad_group_id AdWords Ad Group ID AdWords Ad Group ID, provided by Google
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_ad_id AdWords Ad ID AdWords Ad ID, provided by Google
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_referrer_campaign AdWords Campaign AdWords Campaign name, provided by Google
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_referrer_campaign_id AdWords Campaign ID AdWords Campaign ID, provided by Google
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_search_keywords_id AdWords Keywords ID AdWords Keyword ID, provided by Google
dynamic_number_pool_referrer_keyword_match_type AdWords Keyword Match Type The match type for the Keyword

Conversion Reporting Parameters

Field Name in Reports Description
address1 Address (Reported) Customer’s street address as given to the call center (first line).
address2 Address 2 (Reported) Customer’s street address as given to the call center (second line).
cell_phone_number Cell Phone (Reported) Customer’s cell phone number as given to the call center.
country Country (Reported) Customer’s country as given to the call center.
email_address Email Address (Reported) Email address as given to the call center.
home_phone_number Home Phone (Reported) Customer’s home phone number as given to the call center.
name Name (Reported) Customer’s full name as given to the call center.
order_city City (Reported) Customer’s city as given to the call center.
quantity_list Quantity List Comma-separated list of order quantities as reported by the call center. Each quantity in the list matches the sku_list entry in that same position.
reason_code Reason Code Call center-specific status code giving the disposition of the call.
sale_amount Sale Amount Total order amount (not including shipping) as reported by the call center.
sku_list SKU List Comma-separated list of order SKUs as reported by the call center.
state_or_province State or Province (Reported) Customer’s state or province as given to the call center.
zip_code Zip Code (Reported) Customer’s zip code as given to the call center.

Custom Data Parameters

Please click this link to access the custom data parameters specific to your account. Please note that the Partner (API) Name will represent the field name returned by the Transactions API. Any custom data fields named the same as a standard Invoca Transactions API field will be returned by the API rather than the standard field.

Signal Parameters

signal_name Signal Name The name describing the signal event.
signal_description Signal Description Free form text for providing additional details about the signal.
signal_partner_unique_id Signal Partner ID Unique identifier, to distinguish between updating an existing signal (for example correcting a sale that was reported) versus adding a second sale to the call (for example a reservation made while on the call and then an add on item purchased later).
signal_occurred_at Signal Occurred At 10 digit time that the signal occurred, in UTC seconds since 1/1/70, also known as Unix time_t.
signal_source Signal Source The source of the signal. Possible values are :UserOverride, :Api, :Import, :Expression, :Ivr, and :Machine
signal_value Signal Value True or false as to whether or not the signal was met and null if it is not a signal transaction.
signal_custom_parameter_1 Signal Custom Param 1 Up to 255 character string.
signal_custom_parameter_2 Signal Custom Param 2 Up to 255 character string.
signal_custom_parameter_3 Signal Custom Param 3 Up to 255 character string.

Voice Signal Parameters

Field Name in Reports Description
signal_1_value Voice Signal: Credit Card Voice Signals are configurable metrics that are tracked across calls, configured with rules about when the Voice Signal is met (1 if Voice Signal is met, 0 if Voice Signal was applied to the call but not met, null if Voice Signal was not applied to call)
signal_2_value Voice Signal: Competitors Voice Signals are configurable metrics that are tracked across calls, configured with rules about when the Voice Signal is met (1 if Voice Signal is met, 0 if Voice Signal was applied to the call but not met, null if Voice Signal was not applied to call)
signal_3_value Voice Signal: Rack Server Voice Signals are configurable metrics that are tracked across calls, configured with rules about when the Voice Signal is met (1 if Voice Signal is met, 0 if Voice Signal was applied to the call but not met, null if Voice Signal was not applied to call)
signal_4_value Voice Signal: Blade Server Voice Signals are configurable metrics that are tracked across calls, configured with rules about when the Voice Signal is met (1 if Voice Signal is met, 0 if Voice Signal was applied to the call but not met, null if Voice Signal was not applied to call)
signal_5_value Voice Signal: Power Play Voice Signals are configurable metrics that are tracked across calls, configured with rules about when the Voice Signal is met (1 if Voice Signal is met, 0 if Voice Signal was applied to the call but not met, null if Voice Signal was not applied to call)
signal_6_value Voice Signal: Amazon Voice Signals are configurable metrics that are tracked across calls, configured with rules about when the Voice Signal is met (1 if Voice Signal is met, 0 if Voice Signal was applied to the call but not met, null if Voice Signal was not applied to call)
signal_7_value Voice Signal: 7 Voice Signals are configurable metrics that are tracked across calls, configured with rules about when the Voice Signal is met (1 if Voice Signal is met, 0 if Voice Signal was applied to the call but not met, null if Voice Signal was not applied to call)
signal_8_value Voice Signal: Competitors Voice Signals are configurable metrics that are tracked across calls, configured with rules about when the Voice Signal is met (1 if Voice Signal is met, 0 if Voice Signal was applied to the call but not met, null if Voice Signal was not applied to call)
signal_9_value Voice Signal: 9 Voice Signals are configurable metrics that are tracked across calls, configured with rules about when the Voice Signal is met (1 if Voice Signal is met, 0 if Voice Signal was applied to the call but not met, null if Voice Signal was not applied to call)
signal_10_value Voice Signal: 10 Voice Signals are configurable metrics that are tracked across calls, configured with rules about when the Voice Signal is met (1 if Voice Signal is met, 0 if Voice Signal was applied to the call but not met, null if Voice Signal was not applied to call)

Enhanced Caller Profile Parameters

Field Name in Reports Description
address_city_data_append City (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
address_country_data_append Country (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
address_full_street_data_append Street Address (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
address_state_data_append State (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
address_type_data_append Address Type (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
address_zip_data_append Zip (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
age_range_data_append Age Range (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
carrier_data_append Carrier (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
display_name_data_append Display Name (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
do_not_call_data_append Do Not Call (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
first_name_data_append First Name (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
gender_data_append Gender (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
is_prepaid_data_append Is Prepaid (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
last_name_data_append Last Name (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
line_type_data_append Line Type (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
primary_email_address_data_append Primary Email Address (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
linked_email_addresses_data_append Linked Email Addresses (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
household_income_data_append Household Income (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
marital_status_data_append Marital Status (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
home_owner_status_data_append Home Owner Status (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
home_market_value_data_append Home Market Value (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
length_of_residence_years_data_append Length of Residence in Years (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
occupation_data_append Occupation (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
education_data_append Education (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
has_children_data_append Has Children (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup
high_net_worth_data_append High Net Worth (Data Append) Data from caller demographics lookup

Additional Feature Parameters

Field Name in Reports Description
advertiser_call_fee_localized Fees Advertiser Telecommunications fee associated with transaction
affiliate_campaign_id_from_network Affiliate Campaign ID The Campaign ID from the network as set on the affiliate campaign.
margin_localized Margin Difference between advertiser_payin_localized and affiliate_payout_localized
promo_line_description Promo Number Description Additional details about the transaction source
real_time_response Real Time Routing Response Response information returned to Invoca when using the real-time routing webhook.


These examples use CURL, and are using the following fake OAuth API token:

OAuth API token

Note: the -k option asks curl to not bother checking the SSL certificate authority chain as that requires extra configuration.

Example 1: Get the next 20 transactions that occurred after transaction id C624DA2C-CF3367C3:

curl -k ''

Example 2: Get 50 rows from a specific time period with only the transaction_id and all custom data columns:

curl -k ',$invoca_custom_columns&exclude_columns=$invoca_default_columns&from=2015-03-26&to=2015-03-27&oauth_token=YbcFH'

Example 3: Get 50 rows that exclude a few columns such as Caller ID and Call Recordings:

curl -k ',recording&start_after_transaction_id=C624DA2C-CF3367C3&oauth_token=YbcFH'

Example 4: Get All Transactions from a specific time period that are of transaction_type Signal:

curl -k ''

Example 5: Get All Transactions from a specific time period that are of transaction_type Post Call Event:

curl -k ''

Example 6: Get All Transactions from a specific time period that are of transaction_type Call and Signal:

curl -k '[]=Call&transaction_type[]=Signal&from=2015-03-24&to=2015-03-27&oauth_token=YbcFH'
