
The operations on Advertiser are similar to Network, in that the interface is fully idempotent, and the create and update commands both expect the full set of advertiser sites and users each time. You are not allowed to delete an advertiser if it has one or more campaigns.

Property Type Value
id integer (read-only) The internal Invoca id for this Advertiser.
id_from_network string (required) The network id for this Advertiser. Unique within network. Not required when auto-generation is enabled at network level.
name string (required) The name of the Advertiser. Unique within network.
oauth_refresh_token string For internal use only.
approval_status string (one of): Applied, Approved (default), Declined, Suspended, Archived Approval status for this advertiser.
web_integration_phone_number string  
default_creative_id_from_network integer  
object_url string (read-only) URL for reaching the advertiser in the UI.
sites json array of hashes 1 or more pairs of id_from_network [and name].
id_from_network integer site_id (PID) The site_id (PID). At least one is required. The first becomes the default.
name string The site name that matches site_id.
users JSON array of hashes 0 or more users for the organization. Each must have first 5 fields below.
id_from_network string The network id for this User.
email_settings JSON array of hashes

Each hash has two required fields:

email_address: string in RFC 2822 addr-spec format. The user’s email address. Unique for this user.

use_for_notifications: boolean used to indicate if notifications should be sent to the email address.

A user must have at least one email address where use_for_notifications is true.

first_name string (Required) The user’s first name.
last_name string (Required) The user’s last name.
contact_phone_number string in ITU E.164 format or 10-digit US form (no punctuation) The user’s phone number.
oauth_refresh_token string Not used. Reserved.
role One of: Super (default), Manager, Member, Observer This user’s role in this organization. (A user may have different roles in different organizations)
notify_on_budgets boolean, optional, defaults to false  
notify_on_campaign_applications boolean, optional, defaults to false  
notify_on_campaign_expirations boolean, optional, defaults to false  
notify_on_creative_duplication_requests boolean, optional, defaults to false  
notify_on_network_announcements boolean, optional, defaults to false  
notify_on_performance_notifications boolean, optional, defaults to false  
notify_on_monthly_campaign_performance_reports boolean, optional, defaults to false  
notify_on_weekly_campaign_performance_reports boolean, optional, defaults to false  
notify_on_call_activities boolean, optional, defaults to false  

Custom Data

Advertisers may have Custom Data Fields applied to them, which will be applied to calls originating through the advertiser. To apply Custom Data Values to an advertiser, the top level parameter custom_data should be assigned a hash with each pair’s key corresponding to a partner name. The value of the pair should be the value to be applied.

For the following example, we would apply the value “Offline newspaper” to the Custom Data Field “channel”.

  "custom_data": {
    "channel": "Offline newspaper"



Read all advertisers for this network


Format: application/json

Response Code: 200

Response Body:

    "id": 43838,
    "id_from_network": "cFUyYnFHy",
    "web_integration_phone_number": "8004377950",
    "approval_status": "Approved",
    "object_url": "",
    "sites": [
        "id_from_network": "315",
        "name": ""
    "name": "NFL Tickets Exchange",
    "users": [
        "id_from_network": "549494858585cFUyYnFHyiYA42TrpM",
        "email_settings": [
          { "email_address": "[email protected]", "use_for_notifications": true }
        "first_name": "Chris",
        "phone_number": "888‐603‐3760",
        "last_name": "Dean",
        "role": "Manager",
        "oauth_refresh_token": "556588585858585858585858858",
        "notify_on_budgets": true,
        "notify_on_campaign_applications": false,
        "notify_on_campaign_expirations": false,
        "notify_on_creative_duplication_requests": true,
        "notify_on_network_announcements": true,
        "notify_on_performance_notifications": false,
        "notify_on_monthly_campaign_performance_reports": true,
        "notify_on_weekly_campaign_performance_reports": false,
        "notify_on_call_activities": true
    "default_creative_id_from_network": "222",
    "oauth_refresh_token": "7464644784457575757494930303",
    "custom_data": {
      "channel": "Online lead"


Read a single advertiser


Format: application/json

Response Code: 200

Response Body:

  "id": 43838,
  "id_from_network": "cFUyYnFHy",
  "web_integration_phone_number": "8004377950",
  "approval_status": "Approved",
  "object_url": "",
  "sites": [
      "id_from_network": "315",
      "name": ""
      "id_from_network": "996",
      "name": ""
  "name": "NFL Tickets Exchange",
  "users": [
      "id_from_network": "549494858585cFUyYnFHyiYA42TrpM",
      "email_settings": [
        { "email_address": "[email protected]", "use_for_notifications": true }
      "first_name": "Chris",
      "phone_number": "888‐603‐3760",
      "last_name": "Dean",
      "role": "Manager",
      "oauth_refresh_token": "556588585858585858585858858",
      "notify_on_budgets": true,
      "notify_on_campaign_applications": false,
      "notify_on_campaign_expirations": false,
      "notify_on_creative_duplication_requests": true,
      "notify_on_network_announcements": true,
      "notify_on_performance_notifications": false,
      "notify_on_monthly_campaign_performance_reports": true,
      "notify_on_weekly_campaign_performance_reports": false,
      "notify_on_call_activities": true
      "id_from_network": "694940505055cFUyYnFHyiYA42TrpM",
      "email_settings": [
        { "email_address": "[email protected]", "use_for_notifications": true }
      "first_name": "Jim",
      "phone_number": "888‐603‐3760",
      "last_name": "Williams",
      "role": "Observer",
      "oauth_refresh_token": "4222424241628298228222",
      "notify_on_budgets": true,
      "notify_on_campaign_applications": false,
      "notify_on_campaign_expirations": false,
      "notify_on_creative_duplication_requests": true,
      "notify_on_network_announcements": true,
      "notify_on_performance_notifications": false,
      "notify_on_monthly_campaign_performance_reports": true,
      "notify_on_weekly_campaign_performance_reports": false,
      "notify_on_call_activities": true
  "default_creative_id_from_network": "222",
  "oauth_refresh_token": "7464644784457575757494930303",
  "custom_data": {
    "channel": "Online lead"


Delete a single advertiser


Format: application/json

Response Code: 200

Response Body:



Create an advertiser with users


Format: application/json

Request Body:

  "name": "NFL Tickets Exchange",
  "id_from_network": "cFUyYnFHy",
  "oauth_refresh_token": "7464644784457575757494930303",
  "approval_status": "Approved",
  "web_integration_phone_number": "8004377950",
  "default_creative_id_from_network": "222",
  "users": [
      "id_from_network": "549494858585cFUyYnFHyiYA42TrpM",
      "email_settings": [
        { "email_address": "[email protected]", "use_for_notifications": true }
      "first_name": "Chris",
      "last_name": "Dean",
      "contact_phone_number": "805-555-5555",
      "oauth_refresh_token": "556588585858585858585858858",
      "role": "Manager",
      "notify_on_budgets": true,
      "notify_on_campaign_applications": false,
      "notify_on_campaign_expirations": false,
      "notify_on_creative_duplication_requests": true,
      "notify_on_network_announcements": true,
      "notify_on_performance_notifications": false,
      "notify_on_monthly_campaign_performance_reports": true,
      "notify_on_weekly_campaign_performance_reports": false,
      "notify_on_call_activities": true
      "id_from_network": "694940505055cFUyYnFHyiYA42TrpM",
      "email_settings": [
        { "email_address": "[email protected]", "use_for_notifications": true }
      "first_name": "Jim",
      "last_name": "Williams",
      "contact_phone_number": "2135555555",
      "oauth_refresh_token": "4222424241628298228222",
      "role": "Observer",
      "notify_on_budgets": true,
      "notify_on_campaign_applications": false,
      "notify_on_campaign_expirations": false,
      "notify_on_creative_duplication_requests": true,
      "notify_on_network_announcements": true,
      "notify_on_performance_notifications": false,
      "notify_on_monthly_campaign_performance_reports": true,
      "notify_on_weekly_campaign_performance_reports": false,
      "notify_on_call_activities": true
  "sites": [
      "id_from_network": "315",
      "name": ""
      "id_from_network": "996",
      "name": ""
  "custom_data": {
    "channel": "Offline lead"

Response Body:

Same as a GET response, includes all the advertiser properties.


Update a user from advertiser


Format: application/json

Request Body:

  "name": "NFL Tickets Exchange",
  "oauth_refresh_token": "7464644784457575757494930303",
  "approval_status": "Approved",
  "web_integration_phone_number": "8004377950",
  "default_creative_id_from_network": "222",
  "users": [
      "id_from_network": "549494858585cFUyYnFHyiYA42TrpM",
      "email_settings": [
        { "email_address": "[email protected]", "use_for_notifications": true }
      "first_name": "Chris",
      "last_name": "Dean",
      "contact_phone_number": "805-555-5555",
      "oauth_refresh_token": "556588585858585858585858858",
      "role": "Manager",
      "notify_on_budgets": true,
      "notify_on_campaign_applications": false,
      "notify_on_campaign_expirations": false,
      "notify_on_creative_duplication_requests": true,
      "notify_on_network_announcements": true,
      "notify_on_performance_notifications": false,
      "notify_on_monthly_campaign_performance_reports": true,
      "notify_on_weekly_campaign_performance_reports": false,
      "notify_on_call_activities": true
  "sites": [
      "id_from_network": "315",
      "name": ""
  "custom_data": {
    "channel": "Offline lead"

Response Body:

Same as a GET response, includes all the advertiser properties.