Calls In Progress API
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Please contact your CSM or the support team to request access.
The Calls In Progress API is used for interacting with pre-call insights for live calls as part of PreSense. It can retrieve
information during a call. Calls become available via the api as soon as they are transferred to the campaign's destination.
Once the call is complete, it is no longer available via the API.
For authentication, use an API token. See :doc:`../manage_api_credentials` for details.
Find Calls in Progress
Perform a `GET` request to query calls currently in progress for the specified organization. Sending only the required
parameters will return all current calls.
The custom_data field contains the Marketing Data Fields (aka Custom Data Fields) that have values when the call is received.
Each custom data field will include the current value and the source of that value. These values can come from your Invoca Tag,
values applied to Networks/Advertisers/Campaigns/Promo Numbers, or from data returned by a Real-Time Routing Webhook.
If you have Enhanced Caller Profiles (ECP) enabled, the demographics_data field will contain any ECP data that is available
for the caller.
Query Parameters
.. list-table::
:widths: 10 20 20 30
:header-rows: 1
:class: parameters
* - Param
- Description
- Format
- Required
* - organization_type
- The type of organization to be used in the request, either **Network** or **Advertiser**
- String
- True
* - id
- The ID of the organization to be used in the request
- Number
- True
* - transaction_id
- The transaction id for the desired call
- String
- Optional
* - external_unique_id
- The unique id previously applied to the desired call
- String
- Optional
* - calling_phone_number
- The caller's caller ID
- We support most phone number formats, for example: 800-555-1234, 8005551234, +18005551234, or 18005551234
- Yes, if request includes **destination_phone_number**
* - destination_phone_number
- The phone number the call was transferred to
- We support most phone number formats, for example: 800-555-1234, 8005551234, +18005551234, or 18005551234
- Yes, if request includes **calling_phone_number**
General Fields
Below is a general list of data points that are available
via the API; some fields may not be available depending on their organization type and/or configuration.
.. include:: _network_param_table.rst
.. api_endpoint::
:verb: GET
:path: /calls_in_progress/current_calls
:description: Get all available calls in progress for the specified organization
:page: get_calls_in_progress
.. api_endpoint::
:verb: GET
:path: /calls_in_progress/current_calls
:description: Get calls in progress by transaction id
:page: get_calls_by_transaction_id
.. api_endpoint::
:verb: GET
:path: /calls_in_progress/current_calls
:description: Get calls in progress by calling and destination phone numbers
:page: get_calls_by_phone_number
.. api_endpoint::
:verb: GET
:path: /calls_in_progress/current_calls
:description: Get calls in progress by external unique id
:page: get_calls_by_external_unique_id
Using the API for Attribution
For customers looking to enhance attribution accuracy, the API offers a streamlined payload with Invoca call identifiers, including the Transaction Id and Call Record Id for Exact Match Attribution. By utilizing these identifiers, customers can avoid the need for fuzzy matching of calls when attributing data via Invoca APIs.
This is particularly advantageous for those who often deal with repeat callers.
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When leveraging the API for this attribution-focused use case, customers will not receive any pre-call data and will not be obligated to purchase PreSense.
Both use cases utilize the same endpoint, and the API accepts the same query parameters, irrespective of whether pre-call data is present.
.. api_endpoint::
:verb: GET
:path: /calls_in_progress
:description: Retrieve a specific call by Transaction ID
:page: get_calls_by_transaction_id_for_attribution
Response Codes
Remember to check the HTTP status code returned. This helps greatly when debugging.
.. list-table::
:widths: 8 40
:header-rows: 1
:class: parameters
* - Status Code
- Meaning
* - 200 OK
- Query was successful. Results, if any, will be returned.
* - 401 Unauthorized
- Invalid or missing oauth token.